Maureen Ray

Release from bondage through the Cross

God created all things beautiful


Exodus 20:2;   Colossians 1:12-13;  Romans 8:2

As with Israel God has provided for the believer a supernatural deliverance

from bondage so that we can obey His commandments and put God first in our lives.

There can  be no secret closet in our lives that catches sin

If each room is filled with His presence.

Just open up your hearts and let His love come in

Receive Christ as Saviour, lose the penalty of sin

Be filled with His knowledge and surrender all to Him

Jesus Christ our Saviour and our King.

I’ve received Him in my heart and I’m set apart for God

I’m transformed and transfigured by His grace.

We are washed, we are sanctified by the Spirit of our God

And look towards His dear and precious face.


Sing a song of praises the world is fresh and new.

The sky is blue above us and flowers drink the dew.

Little lambs that romp and play,

Springtime at the break of day,

The glories of the sunset hour,

Crickets singing in the bower,

Each little thing He made for me

Yet, in His creativity, He made His Son who died

Upon the cross of Calvary.

He will keep me, He will lead me always in His wondrous grace

Until I see the crystal river and

One day meet Him face to face.